Thursday, September 13, 2012

Refreshment to My Bones

I can't believe it!

I haven't been exercising regularly for about three years, and haven't had anyone ask me to exercise with them in probably four years. And then, the week I decide to start "cleaning house", I've had two, yes, TWO, people ask me to exercise with them! I must be on the right track. 

It makes me think of the Bible verses from Proverbs 3: 5-8:

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart
And do not lean on your own understanding.

In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He will make your paths straight.

Do not be wise in your own eyes;
Fear the Lord and turn away from evil.
It will be healing to your body
And refreshment to your bones."

As I'm changing my focus and beginning to trust God more and spend time with Him, He really is giving me the desires of my heart. AND giving me someone to exercise with. How cool is that!?

So, here goes! I'm on my way to losing those fifteen pounds by my fiftieth birthday. Time to bring refreshment to my bones!

How are you doing at cleaning your "house"? Let me know as we Clean House Together!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


How ironic! or is it?

Today I started the new BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) year and we're studying Genesis, which starts "In the beginning..."

Genesis means: "The origin or mode of formation of something." Some synonyms are: origin - birth - rise - provenance - origination.

So, this week when I finally decide to get my life in order, to begin forming new habits, God has me begin the book of Genesis. Genesis--the book which includes the birth of (or beginning of):

--the world

The list could go on and on. It's a book involving new things beginning. Isn't that what I'm trying to do? Begin something new? Ironic? Or does God simply have a sense of humor with me? I seem to think so.

My ears perked up when my BSF lecturer said, "God stepped in [at the garden], and is repairing/CLEANING US UP from sin--bringing ORDER FROM DISORDER." Wow! I get it! That's exactly what I'm trying to do: bring order from disorder into my life. However, I know I can never do it apart from God. He brings order to my chaotic world. He brings order to my schedule. He brings order to my relationships. He brings order to my habits.  He brings order to my home. All I have to do is submit and surrender my will to His. Hmmm---I don't always make it that simple.

So, that's where I am, at the beginning of this journey. I'm not sure how long it will take, but I'm determined to complete it--to completely clean house--to change my life and my habits for the better. However, I need to stop and remember: I can't do this alone; I need help. And then I need to never forget where my help comes from.

Psalm 18:1-3:

"I love you, O Lord, my strength.
The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer;  
my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge.  
He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.  
I call to the Lord, who is worthy of praise,  
and I am saved from my enemies."

So, are you ready to begin? If you want to join me in this walk together--to clean house--let me know. I'd love to have some feedback of those who are taking this journey with me.

And on a side note: Yesterday was a GREAT day of getting things done! woo hoo! I stuck to the plan I had. In cleaning out a box that I'd placed in the bottom of my closet 5 years ago (gasp!), I found $7.62. Who knew that cleaning would be profitable!? Can't wait to see what I find next! =)

Interested in finding out more about BSF? Here's the website:

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

And We're Off!

Time to de-clutter! 

As I begin my mission to clean house, I remembered a great website:

Fly Lady: Your personal coach to help you gain control of your house and home

Fly Lady posts daily "missions" and you can take, in her words, "baby steps" to get started. So, here goes! Check out the Flight Plan for the day. Fly Lady has guides for starting good personal habits, too. Check out and print her "Body Clutter Investigator." 

My thought as I awoke this morning was from Psalm 42: 1-2:  
"As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?"

So, today I will make sure to drink plenty of water and remember that my soul longs to be and can only be satisfied with the Living Water. And I begin the de-cluttering process. In Fly Lady's words, it's called the "29-Fling Boogie." 

Today I'll start de-cluttering. Mission: bathrooms & a "hot spot" where things get left to be lost and then found again. =) 

It's time to begin!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Let's Get Started!

It's time to get started!

I contemplated writing a blog at the beginning of the new year, but I put it off, just like so many other things. But, now, it's time for a change, so let's get started!

I decided I wanted to make some improvements in my life--to "clean up" in certain areas:

--Physically (cleaning my body through exercise and better eating habits)
--Environmentally (cleaning up the house)
--Spiritually (cleaning up my mind and heart to be a better disciple of Jesus)

So, it's time to get started! I'll be listing my goals over time. One will be: keep the posts short and simple!

Today thought: I need to watch what I watch and how I spend my time. From Psalm 101: 3a (NASB):  "I will set no worthless thing before my eyes."

Won't you join me? Let's Clean House Together!